SeSSi nS 96 P r t L a n d montHL maga ine from toP: wiLLiam ra eis caP mona 3 hatsthemostunusualthingyoueversa that loated ontoyourshore A poor dead baby seal. hatdoes ouse slandsoundli e Sometimes, music floats in across Portland Harbor at night. heredoyouthin ne buyersmightbestanding hen they allinlove ith ouse sland Anywhere. If you get within eyesight [of a dream], anything draws you in. –By Colin W. Sargent 200 : Hilda cushing dudley, hose amily lorded over the isle since the early 1950s, dies. Kno n to generations o Portlanders as the o ner o House island tours. ac cording to mona, she s buried on the island. m 201 Hildas son, Harold cushing r., sells House island in t o aves 500,000 or the fort scammel hal , and 2.5m or the immigration center hal to local develo er mi chael scarks. scarks is kno n or his hilanthro y and daring ro ects like restoring the nis sen Building and the ormer maine national Bank building. a longtime helico ter ilot, he ies over the island, starts the cleanu rocess, and onders the uture. S 201 scarks sells the north eastern hal o House island to incent ca mona o three Palms design, na les, florida, or 2.2m. the irm s eciali es in historic res torations. 201 the city o Portland designates all o House island as an historic area. m 201 michael scarks, 61, dies in maine medical center. His heirs still o n the fort scammel hal o House island. from toP: wiLLiam ra eis caP mona 3 ies over the island, starts the cleanu rocess, orida, e irm s eciali es in historic res rtland designates House Island in the 21st Century e e he intake stati n as repairs egin. te he ld intake stati n has een ne l ren ated as app s dge n a lu ur e edr residen e.