Visit audubon-boat-house-osprey-nest 40 P r t L a n d montHL maga ine cLocKwise from toP Left: courtes Bite into maine courtes maine internationaL fiLm fest osPre cam forget i on in Port land based i on B id Har ercollins, 12.99 is the latest thriller you on t be able to ut do n. the novel is the th in the mccabe and savage series ritten by Peaks islander and w o i bestselling author h , ho eels Portland “is a great city to set a thriller series in. it s got striking architecture an urban, gritty eel.” Hayman doesn t balk at u ta osing grisly mys teries ith the ictur es ue backdro o his hometo n, say ing, “agatha christie as the same ay.” Murder on the Downeast Express m i f f celebrates its 20th anniversary July 14-23 in Waterville. Featuring a mix of Maine-made films, international features, and documentaries, the festi- val is a dazzling draw for cinephiles. “We’ve invited back special guests from the past 20 festivals to celebrate the anniversary,” says Festival Director Shannon Haynes. You’ll pay $10 for individual screenings or $200 for an all-access weekend pass. Pictures in the Dark Lobster Rolling Maine’s piercing web cams include live updates from an osprey nest in Bremen. Warning: It’ll tear your heart out. Murder on the Fun Fact Disney illustrat rs ere sent t Mt.Katahdin t nd inspirati n r the ani ated l Bambi, hi h turns inAugust. as maine lobster goes international, there s a cro ded eld o lob ster roll trucks serving greater Portland. familiar aces like i m le t o er to ings like asabi mayo or 17.95. h L C serves a version or 15 on a illo y, s eet brioche bun. inset right: L L has rolled out a Kennebunk based truck, hile C m L , ith 13 trucks nationally and lans or another in tai an , has ust o ened sho in Portland. But ait. at ress time, online menus suggest that cousins maine lobster rolls rom nashville to Las egas cost less 15.50 than the same roll in Portland 16.99 , des ite the lobster having seemingly been caught right here. right: t r , Kennebunk. Here s a truck ith a ast: “almost one o kind hen ne , this relic o the cold war as commissioned by maine civil de ense as a mobile feed ing unit to service emergencies.”