Co lin W . Sa rge nt The B o s to n C a s tr a to 21mm Raffi left more than Rome behind. Snipped by a bishop as a boy, he is bundled off to America when the Church takes shame. Forbidden to use his voice, he explores other gifts that steal him into the society of Boston’s gangsters, necromancers, and the wild crew surrounding the poet Amy Lowell as he searches for a genuine love song. What E. L. Doctorow’s Ragtime did for New York, The Boston Castrato does for 1920s Boston. In exuberant and yet precise prose, Colin Sargent conjures a sweeping tale of love, murder, and revenge. - CHRISTINA BAKER KLINE, #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF ORPHAN TRAIN. Wicked shards of humor and sophisticated, astonishing word play reminiscent of James Joyce’s Ulysses make up the heart of this incandescent novel by Colin Sargent. A rare book, one that will settle into the soul for a lifetime. - MORGAN CALLAN ROGERS, AUTHOR, RED RUBY HEART IN A COLD BLUE SEA £9.99 / $17.95 COVER DESIGN: Colin W. Sargent ( ISBN 978-1-909954-20-5 9 7 8 1 9 0 9 9 5 4 2 0 5 Co lin W . Sa rg en t T B o s to n C a s tr a to p p Maine unday elegra a n B p l a Find us on Facebook