Weird Science


Wild museum day trips to write home about.

By Bruce Pratt

So your sunburn is killing you. This is no time to plan another day at the beach. What to do?

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Maine Granite Industry Historical Society and Museum founder Steven Haynes, who comes from stone-cutting stock, began collecting tools and artifacts of the trade at age 11.

He and partner Juanita Sprague, whose ancestors also cut stone, run this Mt. Desert Island museum dedicated to the history of the granite trade in Maine. As Maine quarries were near ports, they were an ideal source of stone for New York City’s landmark institutions and infrastructure, including Columbia University, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Grant’s Tomb, the American Museum of Natural History, the New York Stock Exchange, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge, and the Holland Tunnel.

Read the full story in the digital magazine above.