The Maine 100


Extraordinary business measures keep the future afloat.

From Staff & Wire Reports

The Lobster in the Living Room of The Maine 100TM is surely one of Luke’s. 

Though you won’t see  Luke’s Lobster on our list this year (they’re not exactly headquartered in Maine), it could happen someday. But they’re certainly helping to push up the inflation rate. In 2019, Forbes reported that a 4 oz. Luke’s Lobster roll went for $14 in 2009. This past summer, we spied one going for $24 in the groovy kiosk below the Brooklyn bridge.

Even though lists their corporate headquarters as 459 Grand Street, Brooklyn, New York, their corporate imagery resolutely suggests Made in Maine. So far flung is their influence, you can grab a buttery bite with them in Tokyo and Singapore if you tire of San Francisco and Washington D.C. On the other claw, Luke’s Lobster ME LLC is located at 60 Portland Pier right here, while Luke’s Lobster Seafood Co. can be found at 84 Industrial Park Road, Saco. All-knowing LinkedIn says it’s Brooklyn. Stay tuned.

Read the full story in the digital magazine above.