The Heart of Selling


In the Kennebunks, Jim and Rich Keating were masters of the lost art of friendly persuasion.

Interview by Colin W. Sargent

Even after the Kennebunkport Playhouse burned to the ground, Arundel Opera Theatre was razed, and Lyric Theatre was downgraded to a gift shop, there was plenty of theater left in the Kennebunks. A lot of it was happening at J. J. Keating Auctioneers, with the late Jim Keating (1946–2020) and Rich Keating directing the show.

Jim was the wild card, an angel and a devil, the entertainer of the two. Rich played the straight man, the art expert, the numbers guy. Sadly, the auction house closed last summer; Richard lifts the tent flap to share a last look:

Read the full story in the digital magazine above.