April 2016
April 2016

April 2016

Perspectives  8 From the Editor 10 Letters 89 L’Esprit de l’Escalier “Dépaysement” By Rhea Côté Robbins Maine Life 12 Maine Classics 15 Experience 20 Chowder 23 Portland After Dark: “Let’s Dance” Release the dancers! Dance class as a transition to nights on the town....

Let’s Dance

Let’s Dance

April 2016
Dance celebrates the hidden quarters of our city.

Redefining Getaways

Redefining Getaways

April 2016
A getaway stands time on end. It is geographically distinctive. It conveys relaxation, is comprehensive as its own destination, and is sure of itself.

Kings Row

Kings Row

April 2016
There’s a story behind every door along the West End’s exclusive Park Row.

Two For The Ages

Two For The Ages

April 2016
Fort Gorges was modeled on Fort Sumter. What a wild duet.