Savings Spree

November 2010


Celeriac Veloute

1 large celery root, peeled and chopped into 1 inch cubes
2 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1 inch cubes
1 medium shallot, minced
2 TBS butter
1/2 pint whole milk
1/2 pint heavy cream
1-2 C chicken stock, depending on desired consistency

Sautee shallots until soft, about one minute. Add potatoes and celery root. Pour over cream and milk to cover. Simmer until tender. Add 1 C chicken stock. Blend until smooth with immersion or upright blender, adding additional stock if needed. Salt and pepper to taste, top with crispy leeks.

Crispy Leeks

Finely slice 1 small leek. Salt leeks and dredge in flour. Heat an inch of oil (suitable for frying) in a frying pan until a sprinkle of flour bubbles (375 degrees). Shake off excess flour from leeks and fry until golden. Remove with fry basket or slotted spoon and place on paper towels. Sprinkle over veloute immediately before serving.

Deconstructed Pork Bourgogne Lasagna

(serves two, with additional pork left over)


1 lb pork shoulder or butt
2 medium onions, finely chopped
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
2 carrots, finely chopped
1 small carton mushrooms
1 12oz can diced tomatoes
1/2 small can tomato paste
3 C beef or veal stock
1 bottle red wine
1 TBS oil
1 TBS cloves
1 TBS rosemary
1 TBS black pepper
Red pepper flakes to taste


4 large wonton wrappers
2 TBS parmesan cheese
2 TBS chopped cilantro

Brine pork in a sealed container, covering with water (for every gallon of water, add 1/2 C salt and 1/4 C sugar, a couple cloves, rosemary, black pepper, and red pepper flakes). Let sit at least twelve hours in the refrigerator.

Drain water and dry with a clean towel. Add 1 TBS oil to a hot frying pan and brown meat on all sides (careful not to burn). Remove and put to side. Drain fat from pan. Put onion, carrots and celery in pan and sautee until soft. Warm a dutch oven on a stove top (a crockpot can also be used).  Add vegetable mixture, diced tomatoes, and tomato paste. Pour in bottle of red wine and reduce by half. Put pork into sauce and add stock until 3/4 of pork is covered. Put into 250 degree oven for 3-6 hours, depending on size of pork.

Remove pork from dutch oven. Put sauce in blender to puree with a couple knobs of butter. Remove meat from the bone and mix with sauce.

Drop wonton wrappers into boiling water and cook just until soft, careful they do not turn gummy (about 30 seconds). Place one wrapper on plate, top with pork mixture, cover with another wrapper, and top with more pork. Sprinkle on parmesan and cilantro. Serve immediately.

Brownie Bread Pudding with Vanilla Whipped Cream

1 stale baguette, cut into 1 inch cubes and toasted until lightly brown
1 box brownie mix, made with 2 eggs
1 egg
1 pint whole milk
1 pint heavy cream
1 C sugar
1 C almonds, coarsely chopped
1 5 oz bar of dark chocolate, broken into pieces

Whipped Cream

1/2 pint whipping cream
2 TBS powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Cook brownies according to directions on box. Cool, then break into small chunks. Put bread and brownies in 9 inch pie pan. Stir together cream, eggs, and sugar by hand. Pour mixture over bread/brownies and press down until custard has been soaked up. Sprinkle a little sugar on top. Bake 350 degrees until golden brown (about 15-20 min).

Put heavy cream and powdered sugar in mixer bowl or large stainless steel bowl. Add vanilla extract. Beat with mixer or electric beater until stiff peaks form. Spoon on top of bread pudding and serve.