Playing the Oz


Dr. Oz, featured in our November 2010 issue as one of Maine’s Ten Most Intriguing People in Maine.

Oprah’s super doctor, Mehmet Oz, believes time spent relaxing here, on the Foreside, is the best medicine.

Interview by Colin Sargent

How often do you and your wife, Lisa, come up here to visit your in-laws, and what’s on your “must-do” list while in Cumberland Foreside?

We visit them several times during the summer and generally spend the winter holidays with them in Maine. We love: Street and Company’s clams and mussels in the saucepan; the shopping and lemonade stands in Freeport; lobsters from the town landing in Falmouth Foreside; golf at Portland Country Club; and Lucinda’s [Day] Spa massages.

Do you hope to bring HealthCorps here?

I absolutely would love to begin a HealthCorps program in Maine. We must instill fitness, nutrition, and self-esteem in our youth to win in the obesity crisis. In order to begin a HealthCorps program, it requires more than just a financial commitment–it requires political willpower and cooperation and motivation at the school district and management level. These things take time to cultivate. If we begin a program in Maine, I’ll personally come to kick it off!

How did you both come to know Dr. Christiane Northrup?

I was introduced to her work by my parents-in-law two decades ago and have been a huge fan for years. We met in Maine and have remained friends since. She understands so clearly the passion women have for self-healing and has offered wonderful guidance on how to crystallize that message. My main contribution to the endeavor is to offer a little testosterone so women can be more assertive on issues they understand on a visceral level to be true.

What fitness/diet regimen do you practice up here?

Each morning I do [my] seven-minute workout. I also do vigorous exercise daily (since I’ve got more time while on vacation) and enjoy four-mile runs, basketball with friends, and tennis with relatives. [My in-laws’] house [a large Tudor home on Route 88 in Cumberland Foreside] is on the water, so we engage in water sports (with wet suits!). The human body’s built for movement, so you must have it do what it’s designed to do. I encourage people to do a very short routine each morning. The positive effects on your health are without measure!

What are three ways we can love Maine in a healthier way?

One of my absolute favorite things to do in Maine is go for a walk or a jog. We have such a beautiful coastline–the rocky beaches and the inland forests. Walking is sustainable exercise, and if you walk with a loved one like Lisa and I do, it bonds you together. The air feels crisper because of the temperature–I take deep breaths and practice intentional breathing and meditation. And there’s nothing more fun than catching and eating fish–especially cold-water fish rich in omega-3. Last trip, I went fishing with my son for striped bass, and in addition to the bonding, fishing gives a wonderful, primitive feeling that’s very peaceful.

Mainers are flattered that Daphne chose Maine for her wedding and reception this summer. As a proud dad, can you tell us how that came about, and was lobster served?

We did have lobster. Daphne has spent many of her formative years enjoying vacations with her grandparents in this beautiful state. We weren’t surprised at all when she chose to have her wedding at their home and attract a few hundred of her closest friends. Many had never been to Maine, and all claimed they’d return again.

How do you feel your connection to Maine matches up with your personality, Lisa’s, and Daphne’s?

The people and beauty of Maine have offered many insights and helped shape my personality. I schooled in Boston and Philadelphia, and I practice in New York City, so I’m used to big cities and the frantic chaos of an inner-city hospital that boasts 50,000 ER visits annually. Maine taught me there’s a world out there that’s more peaceful, more sensible in pace, and more dependent on seasonal changes. I’m a better person because I’ve been blessed with time in Maine.

About your family gathering here last January…Many people fear Maine during the deep freeze!

All the kids unanimously wanted to enjoy a classic winter holiday with snow sports, hot chocolate, and crisp, sunny days. It was cold–I had moments when I wondered how Maine folks last each winter. I came away with profound respect for you, braving each winter, year after year. I must say, though, the stars were worth the entire trip (in addition to seeing my loved ones). Down here in New York, there’s so much natural-light pollution, you need to be far away to see the heavens with the same beautiful clarity. And the sky map in the northern latitudes is stunning. I loved that visit and will continue to return to Maine in the winter.

When will  you come next, and what do you hope to do?

I’ll be up to visit family at some point. I hope not to be working while I’m there, and I hope to just enjoy myself. I write quite a bit, and when I have down time I write even more; the solitude of Maine clears my head to let the words flow.