October 2009


32 Sex & the Wilderness
Survivalistas know there’s no better place to get your fierce on than Maine.
By Colin Sargent

41 Riveting Stories
The short happy careers of two ironclads made in Maine.
By James L. Nelson

43 The Maine 100
You’ve just entered…the enterprise zone: Who needs the Fortune 500 when you have our 2009 portfolio of the top 100 businesses in Maine? Statistics by Dun & Bradstreet, commentary by Evan Livada

53 Starship Muskie
Muskie Love: A glittering new palace for USM’s hottest ticket–The Muskie School of Public Service.
By Brad Favreau

55 DiMillo’s: The
Next Generation
Impressive new achievements at this legendary waterfront attraction may hold the key to reinventing what’s truly wonderful about the Old Port.
By Judith Gaines

61 Putting the Real Back in Real Estate
Beating the Buzzer: A close look at ideal properties recommended by area listing agents for the $8,000 tax credit opportunity expiring on November 30.
By Bonnie Paige and Rachel Hayden

73 King Claw
The son also rises. Maine Red Claws coach Austin Ainge guides Portland’s new NBA development franchise while dad Danny Ainge, the former Celtics great, presides over
basketball operations at
TD Garden. Interview by
James V. McNamara

In Every Issue

20 Letters
We hear about Portland Magazine winning five national graphic design awards, love for Kara DioGuardi in Sibonga, and sightings of Julia Child.

22 Goings On

29 Chowder
A tasty blend of the fabulous, noteworthy, and absurd.

68 Restaurant Review
“Chichi Sushi”
Miyake on 129 Spring Street blends exciting flavors with acclaim on the Travel Channel and in Bon Appetit.
By Diane Hudson

68 Dining Guide

83 House of the Month
“House of Mirth”
Edith Wharton would have loved this urban oasis on 223 Western Prom.
By Colin Sargent

84 New England Homes & Living
96 Flash


18 From the Editor
“Foliage–Without a Sell-by Date”
By Colin Sargent

62 Personal Shopper
“Edible Identities”
Corporations who desire the sweet taste of success.
By Amy L. Reynolds

64 Market Watch
“Child’s Play”
No that’s my $63,000 Indian motorcycle toy!
By Sarah Cumming Cecil

66 Performance
“Hoboe Has a Glow”
Fragrant vagrants, musically speaking.
By Todd Richard

76 2009 Guide to Wellness
93 Fiction
By Sarah Graves