October 2008


33 Long Lake Magic
This lakefront contemporary dazzles with a pulpit-style deck.
By Brad Favreau

37 Maine 100
Exclusive: Our 2008 portfolio of the top businesses headquartered in Maine.
Statistics by Dun & Bradstreet, commentary by Evan Livada.

45 Blueberries Wild
Blueberries for Sal, Johnny Depp, Mariah Carey…
By Katie E. Fuller

46 Never Say Never Again
The Maine we once knew is quickly disappearing. What will our new silhouette look like?
By Benjamin Haley

49 A Wrinkle in Thyme
Not just a color in clothing catalogs, periwinkles now provide an exclamation point in trendy restaurants.
By Judith Gaines

50 Sincerely, a Mystery
A 10-year practical joke ends with a man, a plan, and a stretch limo gliding up to DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant.
By William David Barry


23 Letters
We hear from fans of Gretchen Libby, pirates in the Gulf of Maine, and poet Edwin Arlington Robinson.

27 Chowder
A tasty blend of the fabulous, noteworthy, and absurd.

58 Dining Guide

59 Restaurant Review
Is The Grill Room an F. Parker Reidy’s for the 21st century?
By Diane Hudson

60 Goings On

93 House of the Month
Cornfield Point in Yarmouth-offered at $6.8 million-is a land bridge to heaven.

95 New England
Homes & Living

109 Fiction
“A Fair Chance”
By Jason Brown

110 Flash


22 From the Editor
“Something Wild”
Marketing the wild side of Maine.
By Colin Sargent

52 Personal Shopper
Pamper yourself with fragrant bath luxuries from the sea.
By Amy Louise Reynolds

54 Market Watch
Half an Alden is so much better than none!
By Sarah Cumming Cecil

56 Performance
Sly-Chi is tearing up stages in Maine.
By Todd M. Richard