Munchies That Give You the Munchies


Meet the man behind the apron.

by Colin W. Sargent & Gwen Thompson

It’s not like there’s a classically trained French chef up here in the Maine woods creating five-star original cannabis confections for us to enjoy. Or is it?  

“I grew up in Bourges, in the Loire Valley—a very small town of under four hundred people,” says chef André Gamard. “In 1957 I went to the hospitality school of hotel management and cooking at Saint-Amand in the Department of Cher. We started with twenty in the class, and after three years only about ten people were still in it. Of all the class, only six of us stayed in the profession. After school I went to Paris, where I worked like a dog and got paid nothing.” Ah, the salad days. “But we were trained to be really good at what we were doing. I was one of the lucky ones able to take it, but after four years it was time to leave.

Read the full story in the digital magazine above.
