May 2015

MAY15-CoverMaine Life

15 Maine Classics

23 Goings On

27 Chowder

29 Portland After Dark: Many Faces of the City
If downtown were a movie you’d never seen…
By Olivia Gunn

35 Nouvelle Old Port
Stylish newcomers abound.
By Claire Z. Cramer 


10 From the Editor
12 Letters

62 L’Esprit de l’Escalier
How Pậté Chinois got its name.
By Rhea Côté Robbins


17 Magic at Monmouth
Mayhem and mirth are afoot at this historic summer theater.
Interview by Kelsey Harrison

20 2015 Maine Summer Theater Preview

33 Maine State Pier Comes Alive
Peter Frampton lights up a schedule of over 20 acts this summer, including Billy Idol, Pat Benatar, Barenaked Ladies, and the Beach Boys.
Interview by
Colin W. Sargent

49 Rolling Admissions
Amtrak’s writers’ residencies offer moving immersion therapy. 
By Gwen Thompson

95 Fiction
“The Difference Between”
by Wren Pearson


55 Some Like It Cold
Beautiful fresh seafood? Very cool.
By Claire Z. Cramer

64 Dining Guide 

65 Restaurant Review
Isa comes to Portland Street


66 Home Upgrade
A Special Advertising Section. Don’t just do your home, do it!

79 House of the Month
Ninety Vaughan Street in the West End: a tall drink of Oakhurst.

86 New England Homes & Living


43 Funny Guy
Edgy comic Ian Harvie is rocketing to fame as a co-star on Transparent and gigs with pal Margaret Cho.
Interview by Jeanee Dudley 

96 Flash