Interview: Matt Salinger

Movie producer and actor Matt Salinger is also literary co-executor for his father, novelist J. D. Salinger (1919-2010). Matt’s most recent acting gig is The Ice Road, shot in Canada with a 2021 release and starring Liam Neeson and Laurence Fishburne. We reached Matt by telephone post-production to discuss his work and his dad’s attachment to Maine.

By Colin W. Sargent

What was it like working with Liam Neeson in the icy wastes of Canada during COVID?
I had a small part. In The Ice Road I’m in three small scenes. Very much a supporting part. I hadn’t been in an action movie in twenty years, but then it’s not an action part. I play a suit. Well, I come pretty close to some action in the end. I have one scene with Liam. He’s out on the ice doing what Liam does, for pretty much the whole movie. Liam has really carved a niche for himself.


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