The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galleries


If you love to fish, you head for the waterfront—take in the sights and sounds. To see galaxies of contemporary Maine art, come this way. Local galleries present the universe in microcosm—the artists, the collectors, the work itself, and exciting show openings.

From Staff & Wire Reports

It’s like this. A struggling artist gets her first painting into an art gallery. An art critic approaches:

Would you like to hear my professional opinion on your painting?
It’s pretty much worthless.
I don’t mind–you can tell me anyway.

Yes! Sturm und drang! People’s feelings are raw in galleries, exposed. You’re directly confronted with beauty. Who can resist three-dimensional entertainment? In COVID context, you’re free to self-design a whirlwind tour or connect virtually. Either way, you’ll love the world beyond screen-savers. It’s deeper than decorating. You’ll feel the impact of works of consequence. It’s energizing to be among paintings, silkscreens, sculptures, and signed prints you can actually buy and take home. Everyone gets a look. Art stars like the late, great David Driskell (1931–April 2020, a tragic loss due to complications from COVID-19) have shown their works in local Maine galleries. Or you may discover fresh efforts by your neighbor who’s painting in her studio next door. Look: The signpost is up ahead. You’ve just reached the streets of dream.

Read the full story in the digital magazine above.

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