From MECA to Mecca

A day in the life of four Maine College of Art alumni who’ve catapulted to New York’s art mecca to catch a rising star.

By Gwen Thompson

Sage Lewis ’04

“New Yorkers have been wining and dining streetside in their puffer coats, which in terms of grit and perseverance reminds me of living in Maine,” says Sage Lewis, a close observer of her new world. “I moved to Brooklyn in 2018, and the hardest thing to adjust to here is that it doesn’t get cooler in the evenings during the summer. My former roommate moved out, but we meet up to do outdoor yoga in Fort Greene Park every Saturday, then hit the farmer’s market. I decided not to post for a new roommate for the time being and turn the spare room into my studio space so I don’t need to rent a separate studio.  

Lessons Learned Navigating the City

“Survival skills? Carrying an extra cardigan is a waste of valuable space in my bag! You need to carry snacks and know where the good bathrooms are. And when you start to get that glazed look in your eyes running errands, get thee to the subway home. 

“I have two cats and a full-time job as a Client Services Manager for an art logistics company, Atelier Fine Art Services. Many of my clients are museums we work with to coordinate the packing, crating, and transport of exhibition loans. Thankfully, I don’t need to work a second job. I’ve gone that route at other times in my life, but for me the stability and structure of consistent daily work is helpful.

See the full story in the digital magazine above.