Eye Contact

Romantic movies really should have five big “looks” between the two lovers after the meet-cute for the ending to be believable.  

This late summer is a big moment in the movie of your life. Where can you go to get the looks from the state of Maine, the eye contact? Even though this is our Fall Guide, it’s still officially summer until September 22.  

One of my first big looks this season was from a harbor seal playing near some rocks about 1,000 yards from shore.  

They all ducked underwater as we approached in our 13-foot Boston Whaler, but then, one by one, they surfaced and stared. The first one was a real Romeo.  

Seals are very private individuals, you see. They guard the sunless depths. So when they do condescend to give you the look, they’re going to make it count. That’s right, keep the camera on me. You’ve enjoyed your fun, and you’re going to be leaving now. Back away slowly. Turn your boat around, and don’t tell anyone you were here. It was seals who invented the Jedi mind trick. 

Read the full story in the digital magazine above.