December 2011


25   The Big Bank Theory
Banks and credit unions across Maine offer wildly different rates. Compare with us.
From Staff & Wire Reports

32    Creature Comforts
Holidays are for animals, too!
By Ariel L. Martin

37   Booking the Cooks
When chefs are in the weeds, they turn to recipes they believe in. But which ones?
By Diane Hudson

40  Enchanted Forest
What makes Storybrooke, Maine, the perfect place to exile fairy tale characters in ABC’s Once Upon a Time?
Interview by Colin W. Sargent

45 Love that Dirty Waters
Hairspray director John Waters is here to jingle your bells at State Theatre.
Interview by Colin W. Sargent

47 Seasons’ Delights
This gourmet 2012 food calendar of seasonal yummies will turn up your burners all year long.
By Judith Gaines

53  Ring in the New
With so many romantic getaways, where will you pop the champagne in 2012?
By Lindsey B. Anderson


12  From the Editor

14  Letters

16  Imperatífs

18  Goings On

23  Chowder

56  Dining Guide

57  Restaurant Review
Academe Brasserie and Tavern

60  2011 Gift Guide

81  House of the Month
“Bishop Sacrifice”

88  New England
Homes & Living

93  Fiction
“Seasonus Exodus”
By Robert Busby

95  Flash