A Chat with Ryan Hamilton

From rural Idaho to Manhattan to the State Theatre in Portland on October 18 at 8 p.m. Ryan Hamilton has recently been on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Conan, and opened for Jerry Seinfeld. He’s one of Rolling Stone’s “Five Comics to Watch.”

Ever been here before?
Yes. I spent a summer internship very close to Maine one year. I lived in Exeter, New Hampshire, on a blueberry farm. I did a lot of exploring—Boston, Portland, and up the coast of Maine.

What are the first three things you think about Maine?
Let’s see. 1) Forestry. 2) Potatoes. Maine is the other potato state.

I thought that was Idaho!
Number 3: Craggy, beautiful rocky coastlines. I love seeing them when I drive to Maine for visits.

So you were kind of adopted by New England?
My first TV set was in New England. My first comedy festival was in New England.

What do you have to say about Maine’s famous exports: lobster, Anna Kendrick, and craft beer?
My comedy is driven by my life. Craft beer I don’t drink. Anna Kendrick I like, but I don’t have a lot of reason to think about Anna Kendrick. So it’s lobster that gives me joy. So many of my experiences of Maine are about lobster on the coast. Lobster is the most likely subject of the three that would inspire a joke from me. I’d write something unusual I’d see about it. That’s the first part. When something is odd or interesting, it’s usually not funny yet.

Is performing in Maine like performing in the Catskills?
I don’t think of it that way. But every place has its own quirks. That’s what makes touring great.

Some stand-up comedians try a little acting–and not just on Law and Order re-runs. How about you?
I studied method acting with an acting coach in New York—a couple of times a week for a couple of years. Standup is my first love, but I have acted a little and am interested in more.

What’s the opposite of Maine?
Maine is beautiful, peaceful. So I’d say a desolate, chaotic place. I like fly fishing, to be in the water. I love to be around nature. So for me, Maine is the right place.

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