Car Trek (extras)

November 2011

“Three people walked into our office, well-dressed, in their mid-30s. They told me, ‘We have a proposition for you.’ They wanted to use our office for a day and wouldn’t tell me why. That gave me pause. They said I had to sign a contract before they’d tell me why. I said yes, knowing I could rip up the contract while I had it in my hands if I didn’t like what I was asked to sign. They gave me a four-page document from Chrysler Corporation, swearing me to secrecy. They called me and asked me to meet them at our office on Sunday morning. They were here for two minutes. They put up a picture of the inside of a barn and let me know that’s where people would be chasing across the country, looking for this car through a series of clues. They told me later that there were 500 people at this door, looking at the photo.”

–Gene Kenniston, owner, Kenniston Real Estate, Rockland