Comic Genius

Adrian Reyes makes “graphic facilitator” a very successful career.

By Jesse Stenbak

How do you prepare to be a comic-book facilitator?

For twenty-eight straight years you go to the San Diego Comic Con with your dad. For five or six years you sell high-end watches. Then you start selling high-end comics as a side hustle. You get an MBA at National University in San Diego.

You have to travel in this business. I am a facilitator for grading companies. There aren’t many of us. I witness signatures and sometimes fly them by air directly to a collector. It’s lucrative to be a witness.

Was COVID able to stop Superman?

Before, as a fan, you could go and get a signature. Covid shut that down when the conventions stopped. For the first three months of the pandemic, everything was shut down. Instead of stopping demand, it increased. We lost a lot of stores. What we did was double down on signatures.

Read the full story in the digital magazine above.

OCT21 Comic Genius