Lady with a Past

Stories start tumbling out as the former Presidential yacht USS Sequoia
has some work done at a Belfast boatyard.

By Colin W. Sargent

Like many seaports across the United States, the area around 40 Front Street in Belfast is a boulevard of broken dreams and boundless promise. This summer the French & Webb boatyard will dig deeper toward a plank-by-plank overhaul of the USS Sequoia, once known to the world as the “Floating White House” that hosted eight presidents. When the Sequoia’s new owners, Equator Capital of Washington, D.C., commissioned Belfast boatyard owner Todd French to manage the project, he went down to Deltaville, Virginia, where the once lustrous presidential yacht was moldering, to oversee her journey to Maine along the Eastern Seaboard atop a barge.

See the full story in the digital magazine above.
