President George H. W. Bush

The 10 Most Intriguing in Maine, 2009: President George H. W. Bush

Interview by Colin W. Sargent

George_H._W._Bush,_Vice_President_of_the_United_States,_official_portraitWhat intrigues Mainers about former President George Bush’s lifelong connection with Kennebunkport is that some of his summers have been carefree getaways over the years, while others have been interludes between history-making world events. All The Best, his new and very personal collection of correspondence spanning 1939-1999, includes letters that are alternately full of relaxed fun and highly charged with a sense of purpose. We caught up with former President Bush right at press time, during a fall visit to Walker’s Point. Because of his unimpeachable character and dedication to family, because of the revelations in All The Best, and naturally because his son, Texas governor George W. Bush, is the Republican frontrunner for next year’s presidential election—former President  Bush is more than ever in demand for interviews and the subject of national interest.

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