The Home of Mr. Walter G. Davis
“The house of Mr. Walter G. Davis in Portland, Maine, is, in some fashion, of a William and Mary type, a brick house facing west, with a view of Mount Washington. It has a long facade with slightly projecting pavilions at either end. In the library the book cases are at the two ends; the windows are on the west side; and on the east side opposite is a large scenic wall paper of Boston harbor, printed from old blocks. The so-called “William and Mary” style shows a strong Dutch influence of the Renaissance which came through Holland. It looks stronger and more virile than English Georgian. Dutch building is largely of brick, and it runs to soft reds and browns rather than bright red.”
–Susan Hume Frazer in The Architecture of William Lawrence Bottomley
Original Blueprints of Front and First Floor From The Seven-Piece Collection, Retained With The House. Copies on file at the Bottomley Collection, Avery Library, Columbia University.